Monday, January 18, 2010

I rent a house surrounded by black walnut trees, and the house is infested with squirrels, Im going insane!?

I have had critter control out and they said my house ';makes them want to get a new career';, I've tried fox urine it doesnt work, Im going crazy with the noise, has anyone had this bad an infestation? because i cant get rid of their food source (the black walnuts)!!!I rent a house surrounded by black walnut trees, and the house is infested with squirrels, Im going insane!?
Get a cat. Our cat loves squirrels. She chases them right up the tree.I rent a house surrounded by black walnut trees, and the house is infested with squirrels, Im going insane!?
Try a dog. My dog loves to chase squirrels and he never hurts them, but he keeps them out of my garden.

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